Win a Free Set of Gear!
Each and every week we will be giving away a full set of gear to one lucky viewer of our stream. Winners will be able to select the class and spec the gear is designed for, so don’t worry about winning something you can’t even use. Each gear set will be able to farm at least MP5, allowing you to quickly gear up your main character or a freshly rolled alt.
How to Enter
Entering the giveaway is quick and easy. All you need to do is follow our channel and watch the stream! Roughly once an hour, we will select a random viewer and enter their name into the giveaway list. At the end of each week (Friday), we will then take the entire list and randomly choose the giveaway winner. That person will then have one week to reply back to us, or they forfeit their prize.
Since we’re drawing giveaway “contestants” roughly once an hour, that means the more you watch, the better your odds of winning. You can have your name entered into the giveaway more than once, so make sure you tune in as much as possible to maximize your chances.
To re-cap, all you need to do for a chance at winning is:
» Must have a registered account.
» Must “Follow” our stream channel.
» Tune into our stream to increase your odds!
Sadly, this giveaway is only for the North American servers. I haven’t ever played on the EU or Asia servers, therefore I don’t have any funds available to me over there. If any of you want to donate some gold though so I can expand this giveaway to the other regions, send me (Unseen) a message here on the site or on Twitch (ManaPot).
You are only allowed to win one contest every three months. This is to help keep it fair and give everybody a chance at winning some loot.
Your name may be entered into the giveaway list more than once. So even if you get entered, keep on watching! It will only help to increase your odds of winning.
Being banned from our stream chat means that you are disqualified from the giveaway as well. It takes quite a bit to get banned anyways, so nobody should have an issues with this. 🙂