Don’t make the same mistake again by telling players what stat to take.
Just to be super clear, when you earn a Paragon Point, that point will only be restricted to a specific category, NOT to a specific stat. Within each category (Core Stats, Offene, Defense, and Utility), there are four different stats, and you will have the freedom to choose which stat that point will be assigned to.
So, for example, if you’ve just earned a point in Offense, you’d have the opportunity to assign it to Attack Speed, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, or Cooldown Reduction. If you’ve just earned a point in Utility, you could assign it to Maximum [Resource], Magic Find, Movement Speed, or Gold Pick Up Radius.
Again, the round-robin style only limits which category you earn Paragon Points in; it doesn’t restrict which stat within that category you can assign that particular point to.
The removal of innate doesn’t need to suck. As long as they can provide enough Runescape Gold point per level. For example, as we can only put 1 point to MF every 4 lvl, if that point increase the MF by at least 10% then it is OKish. We would still have our MF as now, just a little bit later that is all.
I really wish Lylirra would confirm the details of the change.
The bonus granted by each Paragon Point currently varies per category, and sometimes per stat. For example, all the Core Stats options grant +5 per point and all the Offense options grant +0.20% per point. Meanwhile, the options in Defense and Utility grant different bonuses per point. To use Utility as an example again, each point spent in Maximum [Resource] will grant +1.00, while each point spent in Movement Speed will grant +0.50%.
Keep in mind that, while the bonus increments you’re able to earn through Paragon 2.0 may differ from the current system, we’re also making fairly notable changes to items, monsters, hero skills, and game difficulty. Paragon 2.0 numbers are being balanced with those changes in mind (rather than how the game plays right now), which makes a significant difference.
(Again, none of this is final and totally subject to change before release. We may decide to change what bonuses we give out or how much the bonuses are worth. This is just to give you an idea.)