Maybe you have a favorite app on your mobile device, and it’s receive regular updates from their respective developers in the hopes of improving the overall experience for the user. Unfortunately, there was one favorite application that didn’t receive nearly enough updates, as EA’s FIFA 15 Ultimate Team saw numerous server outages for lengthy periods of time within the past few days. The development studio has announced the app has come back online following maintenance on the servers, but not after annoying more than a few good users.
EA has dropped the servers in order to perform scheduled maintenance on the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team application, but, unfortunately, it took far longer than expected. Users were reporting having the inability to connect for an extended period of time after the application was said to return to service. A twitter post from the developer revealed it would be down, and said a new version would be available upon the online servers being returned to duty.
Originally, EA estimated the downtime for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team to be around 3 hours in total, but this was extended following confirmation from the development team. During the extended period of maintenance, EA SPORTS Football Club, FIFA 15 Ultimate Team, the Web App, and the Mobile Companion App were all offline. All other game modes were said to be unaffected even throughout the extended downtime on the servers.
EA, of course, apologized for any inconvenience that users were experiencing. The delay took an additional 6 hours to complete, though it was only supposed to take 3. According to Express, EA apologized to their fan community numerous times regarding the delay. Everything should be working now, as the scheduled maintenance has come to a conclusion and all the servers have been returned to active duty henceforth.