We hope you enjoy interacting with the new site and encourage you to come back at least once a week to see all the exciting content we have in store, earn each of the exclusive in-game sigils, and check out all the player-submitted artwork. If you have any other questions, please visit the FAQ and site information forum post, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
Mark of Valor:While customizing your banner, you have the ability to upload a picture of yourself instead of using the provided art, and then submit it for approval to be displayed on the site. Approved images will be automatically entered in the Hero of the Day contest, which will award one person each day with a SteelSeries Diablo III mouse pad signed by the development team. See the Hero of the Day contest rules for further details, or begin customizing your banner now.
Unlockables:You can help advance the progress bar on the main page to unlock exclusive content by participating in the Art Contest and the Mark of Valor photo customization activity. You can also make progress by sharing unlocked content and player-submitted art and photos from within the site by clicking on the “Like” or “Share” buttons. We’ll be unlocking all manner of exclusive content, including interviews with the Diablo III development team, culminating in a truly epic unveiling once the progress bar reaches 100%.
Gathering of Heroes:We’ll be unlocking a new class every week, unveiling new artwork, an exclusive video showing the class in action, and a new short story featuring that hero.