Star Citizen smashed through the $24 million and $25 million crowdfunding barriers this week, unlocking public transportation and expanding the game’s upcoming alpha test. Designs for Diablo III’s upcoming Mystic artisan were revealed, and it was confirmed that the she will be part of the Reaper of Souls expansion. Path of Exile saw a remarkably…
Month: October 2013
Diablo III dev diary delves into the history of Westmarch
Diablo III’s upcoming Reaper of Souls expansion will take players to a number of new locales across the world of Sanctum, such as the kingdom of Westmarch, the subject of Blizzard’s latest dev post on the game’s official site. Long-time Diablo fans probably know Westmarch best as the home of the Knights of Westmarch, the…
Diablo 3 PvP mode unsatisfactory,needs to be improved
Nearly a year after Blizzard declared that the game mode was not meeting expectations, lead designer Kevin Martens has offered an update of sorts as to why PvP has yet to see the light of day. Though Blizzard has released Diablo 3 on consoles and is inching closer to completing the Reaper of Souls expansion,…
Diablo III dev blog demystifies the Mystic
Diablo III’s latest dev blog unveils more tasty information about a new artisan NPC, the Mystic, coming to the game in the Reaper of Souls expansion. As many Diablo III fans are undoubtedly aware, Reaper of Souls will mark the introduction of a set of features, known colloquially as Loot 2.0, which aims to rebalance…
Diablo 3 adding transmogrification and enchanting
The upcoming Reaper of Souls expansion will add a new artisan, known as The Mystic, who is capable of transmogrification and enchanting. Enchanting is similar to WoW’s reforging in that it will allow you to reroll a single item property. The Mystic progresses from level 1 to 10 like the Blacksmith and Jeweler. Enchanting …
Diablo 3 patch caused a loss
Blizzard have announced that they have just closed down the Diablo 3 Auction House due to a game breaking exploit that appeared following the 1.08 patch. The patch went live on Tuesday but it took eagle eyed players only a few hours to discover an exploit, one so bad that is has almost totally destroyed…
Diablo III : The PS4 version will be released in 2014
Diablo III’s development team is standing by with open ears. According to the Diablo blog, the development team is offering a behind-the-scenes look at the design of the game’s Legendary class items, by tapping into the knowledge of the Diablo community for help in crafting and perfecting an item it plans to implement into the…
Diablo 3:Reaper of Souls to PS4
Blizzard is now confirming the existence of Reaper of Souls for PS4, and a playable version of the game will be found at Blizzcon this November. The expansion raises level caps, adds a new act and creates one new character class, the Paladin-like Crusader. By the time Reaper of Souls is released some time…
Check out Diablo your new Beta version before you would win a PS3 or Xbox 360 copy of Diablo 3
Don’t make the same mistake again by telling players what stat to take. Just to be super clear, when you earn a Paragon Point, that point will only be restricted to a specific category, NOT to a specific stat. Within each category (Core Stats, Offene, Defense, and Utility), there are four different stats, and you…
Why the Obsession with Diablo 3 Treasure Goblins?
A fan asked the forbidden question, presumably typing fast enough to finish the post before lightning struck him down for his heresy. And then he got a blue reply. Why the obsession with DiabloWikiTreasure Goblins? Why are people so fixated on expanding the game around these little beasts? It really surprises me. Grimiku: I…