Diablo 3 is a very good game, it was developed by Blizzard who also have another famous game called World of Warcraft. As well as the big demand of wow gold, Diablo 3 gold is also very popular during Diablo 3 players. Today, we will let you know something about how to get the very…
Category: Diablo 3
Crafting Gems: A Very Easy and Safe Way to Make Much More Diablo3 Gold
I hear that a lot of people have issues with making money on the game. Frequently asking how people make millions/billions and have no idea how. I’ve met people who have played the game for 100-200 hours and barely have 1m gold. So, I’m here to give a few tips on how to get a…
Buy safe diablo3 gold from trusted suppliers
A lot of our customers ask us the same question again and again though livechat or skype, that is if it is safe to buy Diablo 3 gold online through the gold sellers. Our answer is It Depends. Why? Because you need to see what kind of the sellers you are buying from? We would…
Do you want to know how to get Diablo3 gold method
I’m here to give a few tips on how to get a decent amount of gold to get you started and most of the techniques will lead to millions/billions of gold. Technically they all do, but most are much slower than others. The best thing to do while progressing through the game for the first…
Diablo3 Hellfire Ring Guide
Now you’re ready to take on Odeg. Port to the Fields of Misery and hunt him down. He’s probably the easiest of all the key wardens, just watch out for his Molten and Jailor affixes. The only time you might die is when a random tree enters the fray. Avoid the poison clouds at all…
D3 chests and Gear right Efficiency Farming
Be picky about what you pick up. Gloves, jewelry and some one handers are the only inventory slots that are not best served by a legendary. Obviously you pick up all legendaries, but rares will not sell for huge amounts unless they are pretty much trifectas, or absolute BIS items. In my experience, I have…
Star Citizen expands alpha, D3’s Mystic revealed, and Path of Exile launches
Star Citizen smashed through the $24 million and $25 million crowdfunding barriers this week, unlocking public transportation and expanding the game’s upcoming alpha test. Designs for Diablo III’s upcoming Mystic artisan were revealed, and it was confirmed that the she will be part of the Reaper of Souls expansion. Path of Exile saw a remarkably…
Diablo III dev diary delves into the history of Westmarch
Diablo III’s upcoming Reaper of Souls expansion will take players to a number of new locales across the world of Sanctum, such as the kingdom of Westmarch, the subject of Blizzard’s latest dev post on the game’s official site. Long-time Diablo fans probably know Westmarch best as the home of the Knights of Westmarch, the…
Diablo 3 PvP mode unsatisfactory,needs to be improved
Nearly a year after Blizzard declared that the game mode was not meeting expectations, lead designer Kevin Martens has offered an update of sorts as to why PvP has yet to see the light of day. Though Blizzard has released Diablo 3 on consoles and is inching closer to completing the Reaper of Souls expansion,…
Diablo III dev blog demystifies the Mystic
Diablo III’s latest dev blog unveils more tasty information about a new artisan NPC, the Mystic, coming to the game in the Reaper of Souls expansion. As many Diablo III fans are undoubtedly aware, Reaper of Souls will mark the introduction of a set of features, known colloquially as Loot 2.0, which aims to rebalance…